GMTUSDT-Bin MultiTimeframe analysis at date 2022.12.31 12:47

GMT technical analysis
2022-12-31 | written by : marketz
| views : 137
GMTUSDT-Bin multi timeframe analysis showing Buy-New-fast at price:0.22890000
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GMTUSDT-Bin MultiTimeframe analysis at date 2022.12.31 12:47

💱 #GMTUSDT-Bin🕓 T.F.: H4
🚥 Signal: Buy-New-fast
📌 Price: 0.22890000

🕕 T.F.: H1 🎯 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
🕡 T.F.: M30 🎯 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
🕒 T.F.: M15 🎯 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
🕑 T.F.: M5 🎯 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
🕐 T.F.: M1 🎯 Signal: Buy-New

🥇 Buy 0.3 @ Market price or at: 0.47300000 || 🎯 Target: 0.62784260 || ⚖ Reward/Risk: 3.02
🥈 Buy limit 0.2 @ C_38: 0.51464260 || 🎯 Target: 0.72354260 || ⚖ Reward/Risk: 2.77
🥉 Buy limit 0.1 @ C_61: 0.49205740 || 🎯 Target: 0.64690000 || ⚖ Reward/Risk: 2.62
🏅 Buy limit 0.15 @ C_88: 0.46746250 || 🎯 Target: 0.58775740 || ⚖ Reward/Risk: 2.69
🎖 Buy limit 0.25 @ C-23:0.43291480 || 🎯 Target: 0.56870000 || ⚖ Reward/Risk: 4.71
💸 Buy StopLoss H4:0.39635740
🆘 Your Total risk on 5 position steps should be less than %3 of your balance.

📍 Daily Pivot: 0.58376667
📈 R1:0.62113333 | R2:0.65606667 | R3:0.69343333
📉 S1:0.54883333 | S2:0.51146667 | S3:0.47653333

🖍 H4_ATR_Resistant:0 | H4_ATR_Support:0
🖍 H1_ATR_Resistant:0 | H1_ATR_Support:0

GMTUSDT-Bin H1 Signal

🕕 T.F.: H1
🚥 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
📌 Price: 0.22760000
💸 Latest H1 Buy StopLoss: 0.38975300
💸 Latest H1 Sell StopLoss: 0.68457880

GMTUSDT-Bin M30 Signal

🕕 T.F.: M30
🚥 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
📌 Price: 0.22720000
💸 Latest M30 Buy StopLoss: 0.43491180
💸 Latest M30 Sell StopLoss: 0.82478320

GMTUSDT-Bin M15 Signal

🕕 T.F.: M15
🚥 Signal: Buy-ReEntry
📌 Price: 0.22790000
💸 Latest M15 Buy StopLoss: 0.43435560
💸 Latest M15 Sell StopLoss: 0.64014460

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